Miracle might be a strong word, but you get my drift. Okay, here's the story. I couldn't convince my mom to let me buy her lamp, like the one in
my last post. I begged, I pleaded, I even threw in a puppy dog face, but nothing. She was keeping the lamp. And I don't blame her, it's an adorable lamp! I went back to T.J.Maxx on Wednesday hoping that maybe they would have got some more in, but with no luck. So I put the thought of the lamp behind me, and went on with my life. Next, I went to Marshall's. I walked in the store, and saw it- THE LAMP. I must have looked completely insane because I'm pretty sure I
ran to it. I was excited, to say the least. I just love small victories like this. :)
So now I have
a pair of these cute lamps! Yay! Marshall's, I love you!

I put this new one on a console table in the living room. This table was red, until a few days ago. I was bored and had the urge to paint something. So I did. :)
I bought this "M" a while back for 7 bucks. It was all white, so I dirtied it up with a little brown paint. Paint is great, isn't it?
I hope you all have a wonderful July 4th! I plan on eating lots of watermelon... it's just not 4th of July until I have a belly full of watermelon. :)
