Well, the house is officially de-Christmas-ified. I'm usually a little sad when it comes time to take down that big lush Christmas tree but after looking through
the new spring Pottery Barn catalog, I was instantly motivated to de-winterize the house. Yes, it's barely into January and I am already thinking about spring. Sad.
Once the Christmas tree and all the other winter greenery was taken down, the living room looked pretty bare. It could also be because there is still one major thing missing in our living room...

There is a major lack of window treatments, but definitely
not a major lack of windows. One of my favorite parts of living here is the huge amount of natural light the place gets. Everything on the main floor is always so bright and sunny!

Ahh! Just lovely. :)
So right now, I am totally focused on dressing my naked windows. (And that big empty wall above the couch- I've got a few ideas for that.)
I actually have lots of curtain panels; they're pretty much coming out of my ears, but none are the right color, size, or quantity. (I smell a garage sale coming this summer.) I would love to have these burlap drapes from my beloved Pottery Barn:

But at $89 bucks a pop, that's not even an option. (I need 8 panels for the living room
alone.) So I'm on the hunt for inexpensive curtains. Ideally, I would like to find some in the same color family as those from PB. I played around in Paint to show you what it could look like (As always, click the picture to see it bigger):

Pretty, right?
Or what about off-white?

I could get wild and crazy and opt for a print:

Or maybe not.
I'll let you know what I come up with!